Friday, October 22, 2021

Course Update 10/22/21

 We took advantage of the beautiful weather this week to aerify and topdress tees on all three courses.  The frost delay on Tuesday slowed our productivity, but the staff worked late and got us back on schedule.

Topdressing sand is applied first.  We used 80 tons (4 truck loads) to do all 3 courses.

After topdressing, the tees were aerified on a 2" x 2" square spacing using a 3/4" diameter solid tine.  Our goal was to create a lot of large holes for the sand to fill up.

The final step was brushing the sand to fill all the holes and level out any imperfections on the surface.  You can see the tight hole spacing in this picture.

This is the gold tee on Grove #1 after brushing the sand yesterday afternoon.

Here's the same tee after .52" of rain last night that helped wash in the topdressing sand.

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