Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Early June 2016 Update !!!

I know some time has past since the last update but the season is in full swing !!!  Some things that have been completed on the course since the last update include....Regular mowing of the course; mulching of flower beds, getting the irrigation system up and running, planting of seasonal flowers and minor cultural practices to the greens including light topdressing, grooming and verti-cutting to name a few.

The early summer also brings on certain projects that are done only once every year or every two years such as our Audubon International Certification.  As you may or may not know, Treesdale Golf & Country Club is Audubon Certified and has been for many years.  Being certified is not a one and done deal; it is an ONGOING process!!! This year we were required to have a site visit by an approved third party reviewer.  The review was conducted by Sandy Feather who is an extension educator for The Pennsylvania State University.  Her areas of expertise include Integrated Pest Management, Organic Land Care, Arboriculture and Plant Identification & Usage.  She was on property Monday June 6th to conduct the review.  She was impressed with the size of the property and the amount of native areas that are around Treesdale.  We passed our recertification process but we have areas to improve on.  Some of these areas you will be seeing this year and in years to come.  Signs will be proudly hung in given areas to advertise that we are an official Audubon International Certified Golf Course.  Current project and future project lists will be displayed for members to view and inquire about.  We are always looking for ways to become a better steward for the environment.  Remember, becoming a certified Audubon International golf course is an ongoing process and never ends.  The members should be proud that we are such and help to promote Audubon International.  For more information about them and to make a donation please visit their site at https://www.auduboninternational.org/acspgolf