Friday, April 30, 2021

Course Update 4/30/21

 We've received 1.45" of rain since Wednesday evening and 1.30" of that fell yesterday.  We could only mow greens and tees today.  Fairways and approaches were too wet.  We also had our usual tasks of clearing plugged drain lids, repairing bunkers, and cleaning up other debris.  These are normal tasks anytime we get rainfall in excess of .75" from a single event.

So far this month we've received 2.91" of rain from 11 different storms, but only had 4 days of Cart Path Only restrictions.  Our historical average rainfall for April is 3.01" and we are currently .47" below our year-to-date average precipitation since January 1st.

This is typical of the bunkers after a large rain event.

Every time the rain causes wash outs it brings up soil and rocks that contaminate the sand.

Our bunker maintenance equipment have hydraulically operated blades specifically made for pushing sand.

Here's a bunker after fixing the washouts and raking.

Debris cleanup is another task we're always doing after large rain events. This is the creek on Orchard #2 that typically backs up before it goes under the cart path. You can tell how high the water got by where the debris is deposited.

The pond on Orchard #2 is the last body of water on property and collects all the runoff/drainage from the surrounding areas all the way back to Grove #8 tees, up to Orchard #8 tees, including the neighborhoods. It's not unusual for the low-lying areas around the pond to flood given the volume of water flowing into it, and we are able to open a flood valve built into the concrete dam to release more water and help the surrounding areas drain quicker.

On a positive note, the rain washed any remaining aerification debris off the fairways and watered in the granular fertilizer we applied to the greens on Wednesday.

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