Thursday, April 30, 2020

Course Update 4/30/20

The maintenance staff have been very busy completing the necessary cultural practices the past several weeks to have the courses ready for our eventual opening.  I mentioned in an earlier post about greens aerification being complete, which we followed up with core aerification of tees and fairways.  These are important practices that must be performed every year to ensure the long term health of the playing surfaces.  In addition to aerification, routine mowing of all areas are underway along with preliminary bunker maintenance.

Core aerifying tees.
Driving range tees were also aerified and a heavy layer of topdressing sand was applied to help divot recovery and level the hitting surface.
Greens were verticut 1/8" deep to remove excess leaf tissue and equally distribute topdressing sand across the putting surface.  Verticutting also helps stand the grass blades up for a cleaner cut which results in faster and smoother ball roll.
Here's what the putting surface looks like immediately after verticutting.  You can see all the individual rows of verticut blades.
Here's a putting surface after blowing the debris and brushing the sand in.
The staff is prepping bunkers by removing rocks and vegetation from the sand, then pushing sand back up the slopes that washed down during the winter.  We will also be adding sand as needed over the next few weeks.
Many thanks to the staff for their hard work and dedication during these uncertain times.  The golf courses are in great condition and we're excited for the players to return!

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