Saturday, August 24, 2019

2019 Drainage Project Update 8/24/19

The drainage contractor recently started working near Orchard #1 green to address the swamp that formed on both sides of the cart path as a result of last year's record setting rainfall.  In situations like this, it's easier to use the excavator and dig up the low areas where we think drainage pipe should be.  Most of the time if we find pipe it's either crushed, clogged, or both and needs to be replaced.  Such was the case here on #1.  The contractor began digging in the low areas to locate the pipe then removed the dirt and muck above it.  A couple lateral pipes were also found that connected to the main pipe and were reconnected to the new pipe.  After the trench was dug and we figured out what pipes came from where, a fresh layer of gravel was placed in the bottom of the trench and new 4" perforated drain pipe was installed.  A 12" diameter basin was also installed that allowed us to connect two inlet pipes to our new outlet pipe, and the large basin acts like a cleanout port to easily stick a hose into any of the three pipes to flush out debris should a blockage occur.  Once all the pipes were installed and connected, more clean gravel was used to backfill the trench.  Once the areas dry out the contractor will strip all the damaged sod and clean up the remaining debris.  Drainage sand will then be used to cover the gravel and obtain the final grade, followed by installing new rough sod.

The contractor is starting to dig test holes to locate old drainage.
The old drainage pipe is removed while the trench is being dug.  All the water in the trench is groundwater that would eventually make its way to the surface without adequate drainage.
This is where the old pipe makes a 90 degree turn and discharged into a collection pool in the rough.
Here's a couple of the old pipes that are now connected to the 12" basin and flowing freely.
Here's what the area currently looks like and has dried out considerably.

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