Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Course Update 6/25/19

Last night's storms dropped 1.53" of rain that washed out all the bunkers again and left the courses with standing water in many areas.  That brings our monthly total to 7.59" and 16.06" since May 1st.  Tees, fairways, and approaches were too wet to mow this morning, but we mowed greens, changed cups, cleaned up debris, and started repairing bunkers.  Since all the bunkers washed we decided to perform some much needed edging and other maintenance.  The forecast for the remainder of the week looks favorable, with warmer temps and dry conditions which will help the courses dry out.

A lot of water was moving thru the property this morning.  About 8" is covering the spillway from the lake below the clubhouse.
Repairing the bunkers is a time-consuming process and the first step is scraping up the silt and other debris to keep it from contaminating the sand.  "Dirty Sand" doesn't drain well and will eventually result in inconsistent playing conditions.
Here the staff is string trimming the grass around the perimeter of the bunker then blowing out the debris, followed by raking the edges.
This bunker is ready to be spun by the ride-on bunker machines.
We continue to find drain lids in both fairways and roughs that are grown over and unable to remove water from the surface.
This drain was covered for so long the soil resembles the shape of the slots and the roots grew down thru the lid.

Here's a side shot of the sod that was removed.  It's approximately 1.5" thick and the drain lid came off when the sod was pulled up due to the amount of roots present.

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