Friday, May 17, 2019

Course Update 5/16/19

This week we started a drainage project to the right of Lakes #6 green along the woods.  This has always been a wet area, but this spring it has gotten worse.  We originally thought it was an irrigation leak, but that was ruled out by confirming the pipe was down by the cart path and turning the water off for over a week didn't make a difference.  We then inquired with the township about a possible leak in their water line along the road behind the green, but that was also ruled out.  We ultimately concluded the problem was caused by natural springs and water runoff onto the golf course due to the record rainfall last year and continuation this spring.  Once digging began we discovered an old drain line running along the woods that obviously hasn't worked in years due to the amount of mud and tree roots packed in it.  Our plan is to continue digging to remove the old drain line and soil back towards the bronze tee and fill the trench with a new double-wall pipe and clean gravel.  Any surface or ground water will be intercepted by the drain, which will keep the bottom of the approach and surrounding rough dry and playable.

View from behind Lakes #6 green.  The excess water has been accumulating under the new rough sod and bottom of the approach, making them unplayable.
Using plywood under the excavator to keep it from getting stuck in the saturated conditions.
Here's the old drainage pipe we found while digging.  The pipe is full of mud and tree roots, and unable to flow water.
There was a little gravel on top of the old drain line, but the surface water couldn't get through the 6" layer of muck that had developed over the years.
The open trench is already collecting water and the grass to the left of the trench is starting to dry out.

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