Thursday, February 21, 2019

Course Update 2/21/19

We took advantage of frozen ground earlier this week and continued clearing brush and unwanted trees along the right side of Lakes #9 near the green.  We started clearing the right side of the green last year, but ran out of time and weren't able to finish.  This week we picked up where we left off and worked our way back to approximately 100 yards out from the green.  There was a significant amount of honeysuckle, jaggers, sumac and black cherries that were blocking the entire right half of the green no matter where you were in the fairway.  We pruned up and left a couple large oaks and numerous silver poplars to provide a visual indicator regarding the edge of the hazard.  We should be able to finish the area tomorrow by hauling off some logs and doing one last cleanup of the rough.

The right rough near Lakes #9 green always suffered due to the amount of shade and tree roots taking up all the water and nutrients.
This is the right side of #9 fairway looking back towards the tees.  You get an idea of how dense the vegetation was.  Most of the trees are still there but pruned up.
The right side of #9 green has been cleared except for a large maple to the right of the bunker in this picture.  The tree had a considerable amount of dead wood and major structural damage, which made it an easy decision to remove.
Here's the trunk from that maple tree after we got it on the ground.  We could tell it was hollow by how easily the saw cut through the wood while making a notch.
Here's the stump from that same maple tree.  There isn't much good wood supporting a 30" diameter tree so it was the right call to remove it.
Expanded view of the green from the 150 post in the fairway.

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