Thursday, November 1, 2018

Course Update 11/1/18

It was another rainy week and brings our total rainfall in October to 4.33".  That's 1.66" above the monthly average and puts us just over 20" above normal year to date.  Even though it was wet, we were able to finish topdressing and aerifying Lakes tees, along with topdressing the remaining tees on Orchard.   We still need to finish topdressing the tees on Grove 6 and 7, and will complete that as soon as conditions allow.  In addition to tee aerification, we mowed Grove greens this week for the first time since being aerified, and continued mowing outer rough and blowing leaves.  It's been challenging to complete our list of regular maintenance activities this year, but we're making the best of it while not damaging the turf and creating more work later on.

On a recent frosty morning we started removing some of the River Birch trees along the sidewalk at bag drop.  We're removing the trees along the hillside covered by river rock because the trees have grown too large for that area.  They have girdling roots which slowly encircle the base of the tree, ultimately killing it, and the roots that have spread outward are cracking and buckling the cart path and sidewalk.  Once the trees are removed we will pick up and re-use the river rock in other parts of the landscape.  We will then transplant perennial grasses and a few other plants to fill in the space and spread mulch in the spring to finish the area.  Stay tuned for more pictures showing our progress.

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