Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Course Update 9/11/18

As of this morning we've received 7.80" of rain since the first thunderstorm hit Thursday afternoon.  Most of the rainfall came on Sunday, all 5.50" of it.  The courses handled it well and there wasn't any major damage.  Mostly washed out bunkers and debris that floated out of the woods, along with creeks and ponds that were well over their banks.  It could have been a lot worse and the situation was helped by how dry the soil was last week leading up to the storm.

Unfortunately, the property still has a lot of water that needs to drain off and our regular maintenance activities can not resume until that happens.  This morning we were able to mow greens, change cups, and start repairing bunkers.  It will most likely take all week to get the bunkers back in playable condition due to the amount of sand that washed, and some bunkers still have standing water in them that needs to be pumped out.  All other mowing is on hold until later in the week when there is less chance to damage the turf from saturated conditions.  The good news is that the courses will be open for regular play tomorrow, and the maintenance staff is doing everything we can to resume normal operations.

Thank you for your patience!

Looking down on Orchard 2 from Treesdale Drive on Sunday afternoon.  The cart path is somewhere under all that water

Grove 6 green on Monday morning.  All the greens had varying amounts of standing water that drained quickly once the rain stopped

Runoff from the woods across Orchard 1 fairway

New drain line on Orchard 8 upper fairway was overwhelmed by the amount of water coming down.  We were able to straighten the pipe and lay it back in the trench after cleaning up the sand and gravel that washed out

Several drain lines lost pea gravel due to the excessive volume of water flowing down them.  The good news is that we have the drain lines in the right spots to catch runoff that used to keep the fairways so wet

Typical condition of the bunkers after a storm of this size

Pretty easy to see where the water came into the bunker

Good example of a finished bunker after repairing the washouts and giving it a final rake

We opened the auxiliary drain on Orchard 2 pond to further lower the water level so surrounding areas could drain quicker

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