Thursday, July 12, 2018

Drainage Project

The drainage project started this week on Orchard 1.  The project addresses the areas in the fairways and rough that hold water and as a result, experienced turf loss last summer.  The process begins by cutting a trench 15" deep by 4" wide to remove the hard clay and any old drainage pipe that is not working.  Once the trench is cleaned out, 3" perforated pipe is installed and small, pea-size gravel is backfilled around the pipe.  We use 3" pipe because it keeps the trench width narrow, but still carries a large amount of water.  The gravel will fill the trench to within 2" from the surface, then a blend of sand/soil will be occupy the remaining space.  The sand/soil mix holds just the right amount of water for healthy turf growth, compared to straight sand that dries out too quickly.

We plan to install drainage on the following holes:
Lakes 1, 7, 8, 9
Orchard 1, 4, 5, 8 (both upper & lower)
Grove 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9

The trencher removes the material and conveys it into a trailer
Filling the trench with pea-size gravel
Backfilled trench prior to adding sand/soil blend
The gravel gets dumped into this custom made hopper that rides over the trench and backfills as it moves forward
Using the material handler and conveyor to place sand/soil blend on top of the gravel
Installed a 12" basin at the beginning of Orchard 1 fairway on the left side where water usually collects and kills the turf
Needed an excavator to dig through the tree roots and install an outflow pipe from the basin to the creek that runs between Orchard 1 & 5

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